Jeder Profi hat einen Coach. Und du?
Im Coaching "Start" kannst du mich kennenlernen und erste Impulse zu deiner individuellen Fragestellung bekommen. Wir haben 45 Minuten, in denen wir erste Lösungsstrategien anschauen und bei Bedarf das weitere Vorgehen (weitere Coaching-Stunden) besprechen können. Das Coaching "Start" ist nur für Neukunden und nur einmalig buchbar.
Mögliche Anlässe für ein Coaching:
• Führungsrolle stärken
• Unterstützung bei aktuellen Herausforderungen
• Berufliche oder private Veränderungen
• Persönliche Ziele erreichen
• Entscheidungen treffen
• Steigerung der eigenen Zufriedenheit
My offer in the field of agile organizational development:
Coaching has proven effects that you will feel. In addition to improved mindfulness, self-perception and external perception, the most important business KPIs are also included. Measure the success of the coaching in terms of higher degrees of goal attainment, less absenteeism and increased efficiency.
​The principles of my attitude in coaching:
People are independent and responsible individuals.
People always move in social systems that have to be observed.
Every client already has everything they need to solve a problem within themselves.
Every person has their own individual picture of reality.
Sustainable change works best in small steps - every path can only be taken step by step.
I take no responsibility for my clients achieving certain goals - but for the appropriate process.